Our Mission is to Save Lives, Protect Property, and Care for Our Community


PHONE: (520) 887-1010     FAX: (520) 887-1034







Northwest Fire District Administration Building

13535 North Marana Main Street

Marana, Arizona


Tuesday, February 27, 2024

 6:00 PM



The Northwest Fire District Governing Board will meet in Public Session for a Regular Meeting on February 27, 2024, at 6:00 PM, in the Administration Building located at 13535 North Marana Main St., Marana, AZ.  The public will have physical access to the meeting space 30 minutes prior to the meeting start time.


The following topics will be subject to Governing Board consideration, discussion, approval, or other action. All items on the agenda are set for possible action.


The order of the Agenda may be changed by order of the Board.



Call to Order / Roll Call / Affirmation of Quorum



Pledge of Allegiance



Presentation of Awards



Public Forum


Speakers are limited to a three-minute oral presentation and may submit written comments of any length for Governing Board files. Those wishing to address the Governing Board should complete a Citizen Information Card prior to the meeting being called to order. The Governing Board is required under law to accept any materials presented. At the conclusion of the public forum, individual Board Members may respond to criticism made by those individuals who have addressed the Governing Board and may ask staff to review a matter and place it on a future agenda. However, Board Members may not discuss or take action on a matter raised during a call to the public, that is not already on the agenda, and are not obligated to comment upon materials or presentations made by the public.



Consent Agenda


The Consent Agenda contains items which might require action by the Board, but which are generally routine items not requiring Board discussion. Usually, a single motion will approve all items on the Consent Agenda, including any resolutions. However, a Board Member may remove any item from the Consent Agenda, and that item will be discussed and voted upon separately.



                 Approval of Consent Agenda



Approval of the Minutes of the January 23, 2024, Regular Governing Board Meeting



Adoption of Resolution No. 2024-001 Ordering the 2020 Group, LLC Annexation, Pursuant to A.R.S. Section 48-262(I); the Annexation Area is Located by Pima County Parcels 216-08-005A and 216-08-0040 and is South of Tangerine Road and West of Marana Tech Dr in Marana, Pima County, Arizona



Ratification of Resolution No. 2023-034 Correcting the Legal Description Contained in the Tortolita Mountain Estates Annexation, Approved by the Board on August 22, 2023; the Property is Located as Described in Pima County Sequence Number 20230400067 and is North of Tangerine Road and East of Dove Mountain Boulevard in Marana, Pima County, Arizona



Adoption of Resolution No. 2024-002 Approving the Submittal of a Grant Application to the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management in the Amount of $141,203 to Purchase Battery Powered Positive Pressure Ventilation Fan and Tools



Adoption of Resolution No. 2024-003 Approving the Submittal of a Grant Application to the 100 Club of Arizona in the Amount of $16,944.90, for the Purchase of 300 Innotex Particulate-Blocking Hoods



Adoption of Resolution No. 2024-004 Approving the Submittal of a Grant Application to the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS) in the Amount of $98,757 to Purchase Two Sets of Battery-Powered Extrication Tools and Accessories



Approval to Award Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 24-09-C29 Regarding Liability Insurance Broker Services



Approval of Personnel Policies 1040,1041,1044 through 1047, and 1051 and Procedures 1012 through 1014



Approval of the Purchase of the Replacement Air Conditioning Unit and Zone Control System at Station 331 in the Amount of $72,480.23





Fire Chief's Report


This is a summary of the activities of the Fire Chief and Administrative Staff concerning each of the District’s Divisions including: Fire Suppression, Emergency Medical Services, Administrative Services, Finance, Human Resources, Special Projects, Logistics, Prevention and Safety Division and Wild Land Fire Fighting; the report might also include Administrative Activities in Annexations, Intergovernmental Relations, Community Assistance Programs, Fleet and Equipment, Labor and Management Relations, District Revenues and Expenditures, Strategic Planning, Information Technology, Status of Construction Projects, Status of Facilities, Public Outreach and Training.



Fire Chief's Board Report



Essential Services Board Report



Operational Services Board Report



Human Resource Services Board Report



Administration Services Board Report



Financial Reports


This report is a summary of the District’s Financial Status including: Monthly Board Financial Report, Monthly Disbursements Report, Revenue and Expenditure Reports, Real Estate Tax Revenue Spreadsheets, Monthly Bond Report and Arizona State Land Billing and Payment Reports. The Board will be asked to approve the District’s Monthly Disbursements Report.



Financial Reports






Presentation from Medical Director Dr. Amber Rice Regarding the Pedi-PART Study that the District will be Participating In



Approval to Award Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 24-05-C28 Regarding Utility Relocation and Pavement Improvement for the Training Center and the Associated Revision to the Capital Improvement Program (CIP)



Presentation on District Annexation Activity from 2020-2023



Discussion to Review the Pima County Property Tax Abstract of Value for the Property Within the District; the Levy Limit Worksheet, and any Discussion about the District's Tax Rate and Budget Planning



Discussion and Possible Action to Review and Propose Amendments to the District's Bylaws



Future Agenda Items


A Governing Board Member May Bring Forth General Topics for a Future Meeting Agenda. The Governing Board May Not Discuss, Deliberate or Take Any Action on the Topics Presented, Pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.02 (H).






Two Board Briefing Books containing material related to the Board Meeting are available for public review the day before and the day of the Board Meeting during office hours at the Administration Building located at 13535 N. Marana Main Street, Marana, Arizona 85653 – (520) 887-1010. The two Board Briefing Books are also available for public review at the Board Meetings. 


The Northwest Fire District Board may vote to go into Executive Session on any agenda item pursuant to ARS §38-431.03 (A)(3) for discussion and consultation for legal advice with the Fire District Attorney on the matter(s) as set forth in the agenda item. Pursuant to Board Policy, from time to time, it might be necessary for a Board Member to attend a Board meeting via speakerphone.


The Northwest Fire District Administration Building is accessible to persons with disabilities. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), those persons with special needs, such as large-type face print or other reasonable accommodations, may request those through Heather Robey, by calling 887-1010, ext. 2929, before the meeting.


Posted 2/23/2024